Quality grows with experience. I am constantly developing my offers and therapeutic methods. My customers appreciate the following peculiarities in my personal working style:
A relaxed and pleasant atmosphere
Focus on solutions, not the problems
Humour and optimism as important part of the process
I pay attention to the communication and support your clarity
Respect and appreciation for you
Individual approach
Orientation to your order and your goals
You decide, what you want to look at in the session
No standard solutions, but a tailored, individual advisory service
Individual appointment: You decide, what is the best schedule for your next appointment
Orientation towards your benefit
I support, where you need it, but what you can solve alone, you solve by yourself
sustainability: they learn skills that they can use to solve the next difficulty
Psychotherapy and counseling for individuals and couples Theme By SKT Themes
These pages are written in English. Translations are generated artificially, and no responsibility is assumed for their accuracy.