Self development

People start to feel the urge for self development in different situations.

      • Maybe you reached a lot in live, have a family and a good career. Some people admire you for what you reached. You could be happy and content. But deep inside there is something nagging at you. Something is not entirely fulfilled, some doubt, some question,

      • Maybe you faced a very difficult time, suffered from separation or the consequences for unlucky decisions. You have the feeling, that you move in circles forehead and backward. Coming in similar trouble again and again.
      • Maybe you just ask yourself, what more you can reach in live.
      • Maybe you find yourself in a existential crisis.

From time to time something is knocking on our heart and reminding us, that we want more, that we deserve something different. From what ever direction or place you come, all this is a good starting point for self development.

In a self development process I guide you through the tricky backwaters to a new horizon. I support your process and help you to bring the steps in the right order. If you get stuck and exhausted, I remind you to your long term goals. As development is strongly supported by mindfulness, I enrich the process with different exercises to improve awareness.

Growing may need different phases of analysing, healing and learning.

      • Developing mindfulness and moment to moment awareness
      • Analysing your own history and your family situations
      • Exploring your abilities and strong sides
      • Having a realistic view on your goals
      • Developing concrete steps forward
      • Improve communication skills with mindful communication
      • Integrating the emotional and rational part of yourself
      • Investigating, what is really fulfilling you and with what you want to spend time and energy.
      • Analysing your situation and your possibilities and growing beyond yourself.

A development process needs time, as you need time. So if you come with the goal, to develop new skills, to find your roots and live in accordance with your values, your have to bring some time.

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