“It takes an entire village to raise a child”
This saying from Nigeria points out that raising children is not an easy task. The challenges parents face include:
- Concern about the well-being of the child: Does my child eat and sleep proper? Do I give him enough affection and love? Does the child develop in an age-appropriate manner?
- The child shows abnormalities in his behaviour like aggression, restlessness, dangerous actions or school problems.
- The roles between parents and child are unclear. There are questions about authority or freedoms and duties.
- The way to educate of both parents is very different. Often one allows a great deal, and the other finds himself in the role of the strict. Communication between parents leads to fighting.
- Single parents often find it particularly difficult to manage their job and find enough time for the child.
- Difficulties to find balance between your own needs, time for the romantic relationship and time with and for the children.
- Questions about age-appropriate use of modern media.
- How to organize everyday life for everyone in the family? Transport, eating times, schooling, meeting friends ….
Many parents struggle with these and similar questions. Educators and pedagogues have professional training and a team to deal with these difficulties. But parents are supposed to be able to deal with all of this by their own.
As an educational counseling I can help to solve uncertainties and agonizing questions, to learn new skills and to readjust the roles and patterns in the family.