seek help learn to fly enjoy live live together develop your strength

seek help

now is the perfect time

learn to fly

you can do it

enjoy live

every day

live together

love needs maintenance too

develop your strength

it's in yourself

For individuals

Our everyday live can be full with challenges and trouble. This can be difficulties in relationship issues, insecurity about our body, mental or physical illnesses, old wounds that still hurt, lack of energy, unresolved decisions that still have to be made or the feeling of unease or non-fulfillment. Sometimes we miss someone to talk to.  In […]

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For couples

Couples often seek counselling at a point where they believe their relationship is beyond repair. There is a lack of positive communication, loss of trust and little intimacy. Give your relationship a chance to address your concerns in therapy and increase the quality of your relationship. In couples counselling I provide a safe and supportive […]

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For families

Are you and your child arguing more than usual? Or more than you can stand? Do you feel disconnected from your child (or your children) and miss the close bond? Do you and your partner have different parenting styles or values concerning education? Are you concerned about your child and feel like there’s a lack […]

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For professionals

Are your worried about your job? Do you feel underestimated by colleges or your boss? Do you have trouble to motivate yourself? Do you feel burned out and exhausted? Do you have difficulties to communicate with your boss or your workers? Do you have to take on a new task, like to lead a team, […]

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mierigi main page

I cannot say whether things will get better if we change;

what I can say is they must change if they are to get better. 

Georg C. Lichtenburg


About “mierīgi”

Mierīgi, (pronounced [‘mieri:gi]) is Latvian and means calm, quiet, peaceful, easy going. And this is exactly, what mierīgi and my support is about:

Relax, calm down, find inner peace and put the world in order!

Mierīgi helps you, to orientate yourself and reconnect to the strength, that is to be found in serenity.

I suspect you have come to me on these pages because you have problems in life that you cannot solve on your own, and you are looking for help and support. Whether it’s for yourself, as a couple, or for your entire family, I am here to assist you. <more…>

My name is Martin, and I am a trained psychologist and systemic therapist with my own practice in Riga. For many years, I have been supporting individuals, couples, and families through crises and guiding them to new horizons. <more about me>

Feel free to browse through my pages at your convenience, and if you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. <contact>.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please let me know!


On the professional side, I am a experienced therapist, working since more than 15 years in different settings.

  • My work is mainly based on the systemic approach, the latest major approach in psychotherapy, and on mindfulness training.
  • In the systemic approach, the focus is on the wishes for the future and the design of concrete steps to achieve them. This can be material goals like a career or the loss of body wight, goals in relationship like improvement of communication, education goals with children or internal goals like overcoming grief or fear or gaining courage and energy.
  • Due to the focus of the next step forward instead of concentrating on the past, most of my clients experience a fast improvement of their live and an increase in self-confidence and hope, which massively supports the next steps.
  • To make realistic plans, you have to clearly understand the situation you are in. And to successfully implement the plans, you have to remind yourself moment to moment to act different than before. Both requires mindfulness. For this reason I teach different methods to increase reflection and awareness. This is a important boost for your change.
  • I have experience in working with people from all continents, religions and cultural backgrounds.
  • I work in English, German and Latvian. And with any mixture of the three. So don’t worry, if your language level is not that high…

Therapy is based on the relationship between therapist and client. It is therefore important to find someone who also suits you as a person. This can only be determined through contact, but here are a few pointers as to who you are dealing with:

  • I am living as a foreigner since a while in Latvia. So I fought against the difficulties in landing here and solved some of the problems. I know both, the local, more traditional and a more modern approach to live.
  • I traveled a decade all over the world, gaining a much deeper understanding for the diversity of human existences and the broad variety of relationship models. Where ever you come from, most likely I have a idea, how it looks in your country.
  • I am a men (rather rare in Latvia) and this maybe meaningful for you. For couples I offer Co-Therapy with my colleague Gunta Vītola too (only in Latvian).
  • Apart from being Therapist, I have work experience as industrial worker, in management, in research, in social fields and in farming. I make my own honey and I know how to repair a motorcycle!
  • I have a dog and 2 cats and love them.

Online Consultation

      • You need consultation or advice, but you have difficulties to leave your home?
      • You can’t come to Riga?
      • You are on travel or live abroad?

No problem at all. I offer online consultation and you can stay, where ever your are. All you need is a mobile phone or a computer with Internet connection for a video call and a place, where you can talk undisturbed.

Online consultation works fine for individuals and for couple consultation. Many of my clients find it so convenient and easy, that they enjoy this option to get help delivered at home.

With the help of appropriate therapeutic techniques I make sure, that a online session are as intensive and effective as therapy in my office.

Ko-terapija pāriem

Mēs piedāvājam Ko-terapiju pāriem, kad vienlaikus strādā 2 terapeiti, gan sieviete, gan vīrietis. Tikai latviešu valodā. Vairāk….

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